


It can be extremely hard to decide which business to shop from especially if you’re an indecisive person. A lot of factors come in to play like:

  • Price 

  • Quality 

  • Reliability

We wonder so many questions like “Is it worth it?”, “How long will I have to wait for it to ship?”, “How do I know this business is legitamite?”. All of which are valid questions and it’s fair to think this way when online businesses especially are on the rise. 

Many small businesses are e-commerce focused. They market their business on social media and usually use it as a platform to sell their product, alongside creating a website or selling through a third-party like Etsy. Supporting small businesses means you’re supporting your community and the locals, your customer service is personalized, if you order often you’re likely to receive something extra that shows their appreciation, and you’re going to feel like you are a part of the businesses as you lent a helping hand and became a loyal customer.

This catalogue website will ease your decision making as I highlight the important aspects of each business that I shop from. I will be giving you: 

  • A brief description of the business and why it’s chosen to be featured

  • My review of the business 

  • Their price range

  • Location in the  GTA

  • If they offer delivery and/or pick up options

With these tools that I will provide in my jewelry suggestions, I make the browsing process easier and you can consider me your firsthand experience. You’ll get the information you need to decide which brands you want to order form.

Deciding where you buy your jewelry is a personal decision as the pieces you want to wear will be a part of you. You can notice you feel this way unfortunately after losing one of your jewlry pieces. I get extremely bummed if I lose a ring or break a necklace. That’s how I realized I treat my jewlrey specially, so where I choose to buy them from has to be special too.

I believe that jewelery is often overlooked when putting an outfit together. It’s a form of art on its own that can elevate your style, and use as a way to express yourself. 


